Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hearts & Roses & Money, Too!

Love me
Love me not
Roses are there
Till you dry it
For memory's sake
Till you spent it
Or save it
For some big unattainable dream
Like a flashy new car/bike
Another step up the glass pyramid
(Both literally n' figuaratively)
Love me
Love me not

Sunday, November 15, 2009


I know now how fulfilling volunteering could be. Yesterday I volunteer for City Impact in the Tenderloin. I volunteered w/ my Best Buddy, Brigit, to help the less fortunate firsthand. Actually, I helped out-should we say behind the scences?-w/ meal prepation, putting the food in sytrofoam containers-I know, I know, it is bad for the environment, but it was all they had. (How's this for perserving the environment: no toliet paper or anything to say the least? Anyway, I digress. It felt good to be part of the process of helping w/ less fortunate. It was only a Pre-Thanksgiving volunteer gig, nothing more, nothing less. Maybe I might return next year? Who knows?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Today's Friday the 13th.
Are you superstitious?
If you are,
Did anything bad happen to you?
Will you be
Practicing black magic?
If you are,
Are you into wicca?
Here's caveat: beware till midnight tonite;
bad things will still happen
Be careful
Or you won't see tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans Day

Hey you all! Happy Vets Day (to all the vets & families of vets)!
Don't you just feel the love?
In the past, they died for our country (though they still do)
Some who are serving are on leave today
They are brave to be serving for our country,
to be out on the front lines,
fighting for our country.
Let's us salute our countrymen & women!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Decades in San Francisco

The 50s was the Beat Generation
The Place to Be
Where writers like Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, Neal Cassady and others strut their stuff.
The 60s was the Summer of Love
Love & Peace & and all that junk
Where the nonconformists & hippies gather (in the Haight-Ashbury, to be specific)
The 70s was the decade of protest
Thanks to UC Berkeley & SFSU
Whether for Vietnam War or for a certain class,
There was certain to be protest everywhere

Monday, November 9, 2009

Richard Avedon @ MoMA

I like Richard Avedon's photographs, esp. his photographs of celebrities from a bygone era. I like the fact that they included pics of common folks. They are the most candid ones with the exception of the celebrity shots of Charlie Chaplin (can you believe he's a blond? And he doesn't even have his signature mustache!) and Andy Warhol & Company (minus Edie Sedgwick) are pretty candid.
Speaking of Andy Warhol & his cohorts (let me emphasis this one more time, Edie Sedgwick was excluded from this shot) they were either clothed or nude in that Richard Avedon photo spread. Yeah, wow, indeed. Can you imagine? That was my first impression. To tell you the truth, I didn't want to look at it. But there it is.
I wonder...why wasn't Edie Sedgwick in the photo spread? Wasn't she important enough or was she just a prude? I know, I know, I shouldn't speak ill of the long-dead & long-forgotten (maybe; there still immortalized in movies and such like photos like Richard Avedon) celebrities.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Perfection in the Eye of the Beholder

An idea came to me while I was watching flawless body image people on TV tonite. And maybe sometimes movie, whether it is mainstream or indies.
Why does everybody have to look so perfect, so flawless (Ugly Betty excluded) on TV & movies all the time? Why can't there be people with disabilites on TV or movies, whetherr it is mainstream or indies?
I don't just mean public access-I mean on TV & movies like mainstream & indies. There are shows about women, kids of all ages, minorities, people of different sexual orientation, religious preferences (maybe) BUT NONE ARE ABOUT PEOPLE W/ DISABITIES unless they got injured on the TV show or movie.
Sure there are a few movies about people w/ disabilites but what about using real people with disabilties as actors/actresses?
Never mind acting, people w/ disabilties could do more than just acting. They could get into other creative endeavors such as dancing, being artistic, being poetic, and other things


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sadness in the Mirror

Sad days are ahead,
Happy times are long gone.
Day after day
I mourn
The loss of friends,
The sun can't shine for those loss
The future is bright for future generations
It begs the question:
Why does bad things happen to good people?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Shooting Star

Wishes do come true
in your wildest dreams
in the movies
If you wish upon a falling star,
wonder what you'll wish for...
Life is full of possibilities...

Aim high!
There is world of possibilities out there waiting for you
And you alone...
You just gotta make it happen!
Reach the skies
Reach for a common goal
Break the glass ceiling!
No effort too small or too big


All aboard who's coming aboard!
What do you think of my website insofar?
You like?
Well I do... Very much indeed....
So how's life in the fast er slow lane?!