Monday, March 28, 2011


D'y'all believe that marijuana can be medical purposes? D'y'all believe it should be legalize under the federal law?

Scientists find no reasonable cause for medical purposes.m marijuana (mary jane); the only reason one takes mary jane is to get high. It causes you to mentally breakdown.  It's like drinking alcohol-you have blackouts, you don't know what you are doing or who you are. It makes you feel not yourself. Mary jane is like an upper (or is it a downer?) 

I know marijuana is legal under state law, but what about federal law? While we're at it, why don't we legalize cocaine and heroin too?  And Xtacsy too?

I wonder what it feels like to get high...  Not only on life, but coke and heroin and Ecstasy. Sometimes I feel down, so I want to try some kind of drug to give me some sort of a high. Anti-depressant wouldn't work, so would illegal, street drugs work? Something to contemplate...

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