Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bitter Times

We've fallen on bitter, trying times.
People are being laid off left and right. Without money, they won't be able to feed their families. Their families'll go hungry (unless both parents work, but what if it's only a single-parent family?) If they don't have money, how'll they paid this month? Not only do they have to worry about the numerous mouths they need to feed, they also need to worry about their roof over their heads. Some people live from paycheck to paycheck, but without that paycheck, they're screwed. They just might end up homeless and hopeless. Homeless because they can't paid rent cause they don't have a job. Hopeless because in this hopeless, endlessly long recession, there is no way in chance that there will be any more jobs available in this economy.
This so-called recession might as well be called the Depression of the New Millennium because I think practically the whole world is affected by the recession created by the worst president in United States history, George Weasel Bush.
And what's worse, the holidays are coming up. I know, I know. Homeless are known to be mental ill are drug-addicts, but couldn't they just be poor? How can homeless feed their families, give gifts to their kids (if they have any). For some people, it won't be a happy holiday for them because they're homeless. I guess they'll have to depend on the kindness of strangers for help, but why don't peohelp the homeless year-round? They should help them year-round, not just around the holidays.


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